OC Rifle Club


Short Range Practice

Posted on 31 March, 2012 under News

For this shoot the conditions were dry but quite chilly, especially at 600 yards where there was more exposure to the wind. Seven of us turned up; Rob Welford scored 97.8, Rob Pile scored 95.8 and the rest of us were, frankly, also-rans. We must rise to the challenge on ...read more →

Long Range Practice

Posted on 17 March, 2012 under News

We expected six shooters for this morning shoot, the first of the season. In the end, for reasons ranging from viral attack through family crisis to personal injury, only two of us completed shoots at both ranges and one had to retire at the half-way point. The two “stayers” acquited ...read more →

Season Wind-up and AGM

Posted on 15 October, 2011 under News

For the last shoot of the season we enjoyed a glorious early autumn afternoon with blue skies and a little bit of wind. This proved tricky enough to take the edge off the scores of all seven participants at 300 yards: a technical discussion during the afternoon confirmed that this ...read more →

The Annual Prize Meeting

Posted on 18 September, 2011 under News

The programme for the day was: JACKSON CHALLENGE TROPHY: 2 sighters & 10 to count at 300 & 500 yards, a.m. LOVESY CHALLENGE BOWL: 2 sighters & 10 to count at 600 yards, p.m. LONG RANGE TROPHY: 2 sighters & 10 to count at 900 yards, p.m. PRESIDENT’S PRIZE, the ...read more →

Long Range Shoot

Posted on 13 August, 2011 under News

Regrettably, this shoot had to be cancelled because, in the end, not enough members were able to take part. We must hope that there is more support for the two remaining shoots. Both of these are important: the first on 18th September is the Annual Prize Meeting and the second ...read more →

Schools Veterans

Posted on 14 July, 2011 under News

This year we were able to enter only one team for “The Vets” which acquitted itself well in conditions of fine weather with a tricky fish-tailing wind that tested Rob Welford and Rob Pile in their coaching roles. For the 51 “A” Teams entered, some results are: 1st Uppingham Vets ...read more →

All Day Match

Posted on 5 June, 2011 under News

The format for this match was two short ranges in the morning, 300 and 600 yards, and two long ranges, 900 and 1000yards, in the afternoon. Also, this was the first outing of the season for which the weather forecasters were foretelling a high probability of some rain; the morning ...read more →

Cranleigh Tankard

Posted on 21 May, 2011 under News

This event was billed as “Cranleigh Tankard and Match v. School”, unfortunately the School had to tell us on 9th May that it would not be possible to send a team. It is a pity that the School shooters could not share in the just about perfect afternoon on the ...read more →

Long Range (“Q”) Match

Posted on 7 May, 2011 under News

The weather forecasters had predicted that we would get wet during this morning shoot. After a little initial dampness, however, things brightened up agreeably and by the time we moved back to 1000 yards we were enjoying some nice Spring weather. We had seven shooters but other teams were not ...read more →

(Short Range) “Q” Match

Posted on 16 April, 2011 under News

Just the necessary five OC shooters were available for this fixture. These enjoyed a very pleasant afternoon in good shooting conditions. The results are: Old Framlinghamians “A” 483.48 Old Lawrentians “A” 482.43 Old Albanians 476.39 Old Cranleighans 471.39 Lancing Old Boys 470.41 Old Alleynians 463.30 KCS Old Boys 457.32 “B” ...read more →